Tuesday, 5 January 2016

2D diving board animation

2D fox run flash animation

short storyboard created in Photoshop

A short 3D animation focused on the motion of the tail 

Maya bouncing ball animation

3D Hoverboard i modelled in Maya

3D fence and grass scene created with Maya

3D Glass bowl and cloth created using Maya

3D This is a futuristic gun i modelled and textured using Maya. I created this is my spare time to help me improve on my 3D modelling skills

A short animation using the constraints tool in Auto desk Maya

3D Maya Heavy ball catch and throw animation
An animation created using the parenting tool, this short animation was created to show the weight of the ball 

3D Maya stretch and yawn animation

Stop motion balloon falling

Stop motion mechanical pendulum

pendulum stop motion animation

stop motion head turn, a few different types of head turn

Stop motion toe touch and stretch animation created with dragon frame

first animation using flash, basic weightlifting animation

first attempt using Toon boom, This is a turning hand animation

2D smoke animation cycle created in Toon boom

2D jumping square animation

 3D walk and jump Maya animation